Up with the basics.

Signal | Question | Answer, Advice or Order |
QRG | Will you indicate my exact frequency in kilocycles? | Your frequency is ... kc. |
QRH | Does my frequency vary? | Your frequency varies. |
QRI | How is the tone of my transmission? | The tone of your transmission is ... 1. Good. 2. Variable. 3. Bad. |
QRJ | Are you receiving me badly? Are my signals weak? | I cannot receive you. Your signals are too weak. |
QRK | What is the legibility of my signals (1 to 5)? | The legibility of your signals is ... (1 to 5). |
QRL* | Are you busy? | I am busy (or busy with....). Please do not interfere. |
QRM* | Are you being interfered with? | I am being interfered with. |
QRN* | Are you troubled by static? | I am troubled by static. |
QRO* | Must I increase power? | Increase power. |
QRP* | Must I decrease power? | Decrease power. |
QRQ* | Must I send faster? | Send faster ... (words per min.). |
QRS* | Must I send more slowly? | Transmit more slowly ... (w.p.m.). |
QRT* | Must I stop transmission? | Stop transmission. |
QRU* | Have you anything for me? | I have nothing for you. |
QRV* | Are you ready? | I am ready. |
QRW | Must I advise ... that you are calling him on ... kc? | Please advise ... that I am calling him on ... kc. |
QRX* | When will you call again? | I will call you again at ... hours (on ... kc.). |
QRZ* | By whom am I being called? | You are being called by ... |
QSA | What is the strength of my signals (1 to 5)? | The strength of your signals is ... (1 to 5). |
QSB* | Does the strength of my signals vary? | The strength of your signals varies. |
QSD | Is my keying correct? Are my signals distinct? | Your keying is incorrect; your signals are bad. |
QSG | Must I transmit ... telegrams (or one telegram) at a time? | Transmit ... telegrams (or one telegram) at a time. |
QSK* | Shall I continue the transmission of all my traffic? | I can hear you between my signals. Continue: I shall interrupt you if necessary. |
QSL* | Can you acknowledge receipt? | I am acknowledging receipt. |
QSM | Shall I repeat the last telegram I sent you? | Repeat the last telegram you sent me. |
QSO* | Can you communicate with ... directly (or through...)? | I can communicate with ... direct (or through...). |
QSP | Will you relay to ...? | I will relay to ... free of charge. |
QSV | Shall I send a series of VVV....? | Send a series of VVV. |
QSX | Will you listen for ... (call sign) on ... kcs? | I am listening for ... on ... kcs. |
QSY* | Shall I change to ... kilocycles without changing the type of wave? | Change to ... kc. without changing type of wave. |
QSZ | Shall I send each word or group twice? | Send each word or group twice. |
QTA | Shall I cancel nr ... as if it had not been sent? | Cancel nr ... as if it had not been sent. |
QTB | Do you agree with my word count? | I do not agree with your word count; I shall repeat the first letter of each word and the first figure of each number. |
QTC | How many telegrams have you to send? | I have ... telegrams for you or for .... |
QTH* | What is your position (location)? | My position (location) is .... |
QTR | What is the exact time? | The exact time is .... |
QST* | General call preceeding a message address to all amateurs and A.R.R.L. Members. This is in effect "CQ ARRL". | |
QRRR | Official A.R.R.L. "land SOS." A distress call for emergency use only. |
For the old time's sake.

The last time I let my fingers dance across the keyboard and key something in this blog was all the way back in February. Time do fly fast. I really have nothing to nag about. I just can't wait for some of my mates to apply the RA license so we can QSO all we want. And I've been repeating those sentences ever since I received mine. Heh, procrastinating is good. Like big time.
& Hopefully this Sunday, I'll be with the sVian scouts at Pavillion for Milk Day! I can't waaaait! Cos I haven't seen them for bloody ages! Since 08 to be precise. I might bring my handy along and just mess about with it for a while. So yeah, whoever is in that area, prepare, 9W2OMG is back! Perhaps.. not.
This is making me dance with glee.
(Dances with glee!)
Okay, gotta stop.
(Still... dancing with glee)
[post-script] Hop onto my daily blog because this one is nearly 99% abandoned. www.daints.blogspot.com! And do drop off your blog links in the comments so I could link you guys back. Merci :-)
Late wishes. Congratulations to Asma and Nurul for passing the RAE!
I hear Singapore chanting our names.
I hear Singapore chanting our names.
I've been wanting to form a group for the Teen Hams in Malaysia since ages ago. Anybody willing to team up with me and make it happen? :-D

Up with the basics. Introductions! Some of the readers out there might not know what on earth is this Amateur Radio that have been going on for some decades now. So, what is it?
You'll probably get a different answer for every hams you ask because everybody is well, pretty much different. Obviously. To me, it's an epic discovery of a very interesting hobby that appeals differently to every single individuals. You'll be able to talk to your mates over the radio waves using a HT (hand-held transceiver), participating in competitions with other hams, communicating digitally to share personal texts or information in an emergency or even just to have a chat with other hams anywhere in the world. And there's pretty much more than 4938497 other reasons out there. You will get a chance to share a helluva loads of things just by using radio waves. How rad is that?
But, to make this a reality. You'll just have to go over some rules and basics for the Radio Amateur Exam. And then bam! You're in! ..If you manage to pass the exam that is. But then, if you don't there's always another time.
Stay tuned! 'Cos its already passed midnight and I think I should be in bed by now.
The things we like.

I've been a legit dork that haven't been posting anything in this wonder blog for decades. Over and done with PMR, hell yeah. Looking forward for the results that are gonna haunt us 94s on Tuesday. Not really, but I have to act as if I am. + I'm sorry. Things have just gotten out of hand lately 'bout me-- not caring about the fact that I'm actually 9W20MG. But hey, don't worry. I'll be back and rocking the stations up. As if. I don't even have the guts to say a word. I'm a shy person like that. Or probably, I'll go on air after my sister, Asma and her friend, Nurul get the license that they've been waiting for over 2 years. Well, hopefully. Finger cross! While those awaits.. I think I'm just gonna go and enjoy my school holidays till it ends. 3 weeks left before the nightmare begins.
+ I've updated my My Callsign Network. Apologies for keeping all the friend requests waiting.
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